
Friday, June 21, 2013

Mountains & Guns

I am greatly looking forward to going up to Allen's Park and doing some shooting, I haven't been out since I took my sister last month so this is much needed.  I'm also exited because I'll get to shoot an AK47 for the first time, I always love to try something new.  The cooler temperatures will be nice as well.


  1. Have fun! It's past time for me to go out and shoot, need to fix that next time i'm off work

    1. I get itchy if I don't go once a month but that doesn't always happen. Do you work a lot?

  2. You're going to be just a few minutes from my parents' place! I would have totally crashed your shooting party, but I'd already told a friend I'd help her with branding today. Darn it! Hope you have a great time!

    1. You wouldn't be crashing because you would always be invited if I knew you could come.

      Branding, there is something interesting. I've never actually done it but my mom dated a rancher in Walsenburg when I was a kid and we were there for branding and castration, the smell, I don't envy you. Do you actually do the branding?

  3. I've never done it before, either, so it was a learning experience. What I learned was that it's not so horrible with the right equipment. We had the calf table/squeeze chute, so we didn't have to man-handle the calves like we would if we were using horses. I'm still plenty sore, though.

    The smell didn't bother me so much and we didn't do any castrating, because these folks want the natural testosterone in their calves instead of castrating them AND THEN giving growth hormone. All we did was vaccinate and brand. But it was fun :)

    1. I can't say I hated the experience but I was a city girl so it was a lot different.

      I don't think it sounds like a bad way to spend a day at all. Sometimes I wish I had grown up in the country or on a ranch or farm.
