Well, Tuesday was a wonderful day, minus one little blimp at the beginning of it. The day finally came to take my sister to the range for the first time. She did great! I was proud of her, she was very conscientious of safety, made sure to keep the gun pointed down range at all time, minus once when she had it facing towards the ground (but it’s expected that this is going to happen at least once especially the first time), she kept her finger off the trigger until she was ready to fire and she always put the safety on when laying the gun down.
Unfortunately one of the .22’s (the 1911-22) that I had borrowed jammed up really badly, I couldn’t get it unjammed and went to ask the range guy to help and even he couldn’t get it unjammed so that just left the .22 revolver. My sister really liked the 1911-22 and wasn’t a big fan of my .380 or .45 but that’s understandable, I think over time she might grow to accept them.
I felt a bit disheartened at the end of the day and this is probably me being a bit hard on myself in regards to my ability to teach a new shooter. I know she did really well but I felt that maybe I didn’t do a good enough job, there were a lot of points I wanted to make to guide her along but communication was really hard. I am definitely going to need to invest in electronic muffs so I can communicate with her at the range; yes she is planning on going again so that’s a good sign.
My blimps were the day got delayed because I locked my keys in my car, which cost me $109, ouch. Then it turns out that Lady’s Day isn’t all day, only between certain hours, lol. I think they shouldn’t advertise it as Lady’s Day and advertise is as Lady’s Happy Hour on Tuesdays. Between, the key thing, range time and ammo, it was an expensive day that set me back a bit but well worth the memory and spending time and sharing this aspect of me that I love with my sister.
I’ll have to look into buying me a .22 so she can shoot that, I had it in the plans to get one eventually for plinking and doing Dot Torture target practice so it works. (10.7)